Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Depression is something that many people suffer. Tiredness, sleepless nights, and in severe cases thoughts of suicide are very common symptoms. In fact over 20 million Americans are suffering from depression right now. Ernist Hemmingway's "A well lighted place", reminds us to live every day like our last and forget the past.

One very common reason of depression is having no wife, girlfriend, or fiancé in your life. Hence, the old man in the Hemmingway story. He had no wife or girlfriend, and had nothing to do with his life but get drunk drinking Brandy every night. Imagine having to live like that man, alone and drunk. A sad life indeed, which is most likely the reason for suicidal actions, like the man attempting to hang himself, another great example from Hemmingway.

Although, one of the biggest causes of depression is caused by something that may be very surprising to us, money. People say "Money makes the world go round.", which might make it a seeming innocent suspect when it comes to depression. But for some unknown reason people become depressed because of their wealthy style of life. The most likely cause that I found was that, usually when your wealthy you tend to become more famous, right? Then when you become more and more famous people tend to look at you with a different perspective. A great example of this kind of situation is Kate Gosslin's life; she became wealthy and people started to treat her differently. Like the man in our the Hemmingway story.

So maybe money cant buy happiness, maybe the source of happiness is our loved ones. The man in the Hemmingway story definitely didn't have very many loved ones, and he tried to hang himself! This is a great reminder to keep your loved ones close, and live every day like it's last.

1 comment:

  1. Extremely well written piece; loved every sentence. If I were you I wouldn't change one thing.
