Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Tiring Day

I don't really know what to write. So used to being told what I have to respond or write about. I guess I'll just start writing and see how it goes. Um, today is Thursday the 15th I am currently sitting in my spot trying to think of something to write about. Oh, I know, tonight I have a football practice last of the week before we play Mukwonago, our home opener. To tell the truth we don't really have a great chance of beating them,but we'll definently try. Last week's game was away all the way in Burlington, we had to get up at like 5:00 a.m. to make the bus at 6:15. We drove over an hour to get there because traffic was bad. When we arrived there wasn't much time for warm ups. The first half was brutal, I guess we were still tired from waking up so early. Although when the second half came around we scored two touchdowns although it wasn't enough to win. After that my day still wasn't over yet. I had to drive another hour back while all my equipment was soaking wet, and once the drive was over we had to go to my sisters' soccer game. which conssumed another hour of the day. Then I finally got home to watch the Packers at 3:00 p.m. I fell asleep after the first quarter and woke up that night at one in the morning wide awake. So I made some food and headed downstairs to play PS3 so I didn't wake up anyone else.


  1. I'm glad to see that you were able to get some free writing done without being told what to respond to -- get used to it! :)
    You have several good topics here: soccer (the good and the bad), life at 1 a.m., monotonous bus rides... Choose something and bring life to it!

  2. It is good to know that you can take the bad, and turn it into a story packed with detail, right down to the end. Why not go a little further? Take the good, and the bad, and make a story out of it, perhaps with fictional characters;it's your mind, you control it.

  3. I think that that was good writing for just thinking off the top of your head. You're lucky you get to fall asleep in the afternoon and they just let you sleep. My dad would get me up make me go to my bed if I wanted to sleep.
