Friday, October 15, 2010

Patriotism Responce

Patriotism is still very important to American Tradition, that's why we say the pledge every morning. We need to do so to remember the struggles and patriots we've lost, and that we are still strong. The heroes and heroins serving in Afganistan deserve respect. As if Being away from your families for months at a time wasn't enough they have to live in one of the most dangerous places on earth, knowing that at anytime they could lose their lives, trying to keep us safe; that's a true patriot.


  1. Great job; I thought it was really intriguing. Though a little short of a response I thought it was amazing.

  2. Nicely done. Although it is small you still get your message across

  3. Nice response, and great word choice. Last sentence was a little shaky but otherwise nice job.

  4. I liked the word choice. Over all nice responce.

  5. Nice. Much better than mine. I also liked the word choice.

  6. Good job. I think it was the perfect length for what you said. You looked at it from a great point of view.
