December Portfolio

Zeta: Clash of Colors

Come together now, or never be right,
personalities, the dark and the bright,
good versus evil, the famous fight,
their strengths are equal, almost the same,
but, like the devil, they fought in vain,
for they are the same force, much stronger as one,
but from one disagreement, they fought for none,
spliting in two, they fought and fought,
bringing nothing to their land but a distraught.

Symbolism behind Zeta-
Colors represent personalities
The colors run down off the page because they brought eachother down (if the colors went up it would look more like they succeeded.

Speak: Symbolism Everywhere

Symbolism runs strong throughout the story of Melinda's dreadful life, she herself refers to it as a code to break… some of it is fun. Like Laurie Halse Anderson wrote, "It's like a code, breaking into someone's head and finding out the key to their secrets." But what are some of Melinda's secrets? If you take a close look you can decode them through more than just the text.

One of the main examples I found, strangely enough, was right on the cover; a dead tree hiding a face. That image displays a monstrous amount of symbolism. Some examples I found were that the dead tree, a symbol of depression and sorrow, covers the face symbolizing hiding or being trapped away from the surrounding world. The best symbol I found was one that I think I would have missed without thinking a little deeper; on the cover the face has two sides, dark and light, the darkness symbolizes Melinda as the brightness symbolizes the world around her. The trick to this is that the nose is blocking the light from getting to the darkness, or keeping Melinda from getting to happiness.

Once you actually open the book and start reading you'll find many other forms of symbolism. For instance, her art teacher Mr. Freeman. His name alone, when broken down, symbolizes free spirit. Ironically his class is the only way Melinda is able to find freedom from all the criticism thrown at her. In fact, she said herself, "My stomach flutters. Can he really let us do this?" It was as if she was finally in her own utopia.

When you take a closer look at the symbolism in the book you are able to better understand the characters and circumstances and how they relate to Melinda's life. Symbolism is a way to make the reader look deeper into a story and cipher personalities and events as they relate to the big picture and all the smaller details hidden within.