Thursday, January 21, 2010

Improved Intros

“The Clearing”

Competition is a part of life. Whether it’s between you and another individual, or just in sports, there’s always some sort of competition. But why, why compete with one another if you can join forces and be twice as powerful as you were alone? “The Clearing” is the perfect example of how working together is more effective than fighting one another.

“A Secret for Two”

Depending on something your whole life, and then waking up one day and to realize it wasn’t there, can really have a devastating effect on your life. An example of this might be if you’re on a plane and the pilot has a heart attack, no one to fly your plane. Now you might say that’s highly unlikely, but that’s precisely when it happens. It happens when you don’t expect it and when you can’t stop it. ”A Secret for Two” represents, man’s struggle to deal with the unexpected.
“The Circuit”

Having to move constantly with your family takes a toll on every member, but takes a bigger toll on your own self-esteem; wanting everything while many people have nothing. “The Circuit” will teach the reader to appreciate what they have and to not focus on what they don’t have.

“The Black Stallion and the Red Mare”

Loyalty can be very hard to commit to. It can also be a very hard decision to choose who to be loyal to. One of the hardest decisions in my mind would be a decision between an old friend ad his bad decision or something new that could defiantly benefit you but would go completely against your old friend. The short story “The Black Stallion and the Red Mare” is a great example of this situation and can teach the reader many things.

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