Thursday, January 21, 2010



The sound of helmets clapping and pads slapping while crushing against each other is the reason I love the quick, hard hitting sport of football. Athletes leave it all on the field for 60 minutes, every weekend, to achieve the prize of postseason wins at the end of the season. The American sport football is the most loved since athletes, fans, and coaches alike give their all to be the best.
Because football is so common in America, there are many leagues for all ages. One of the first leagues you can participate in are called Junior or Youth leagues. These leagues are used for teaching kids the basics of football. After you get to old for these leagues you can play for a high school team. There are many different teams for high school, including Varsity; the team with the best players is usually the team that everyone comes to watch. Junior Varsity is another team in high school. This team usually contains the backups for Varsity and the players not good enough to play at a Varsity level. The next team is freshman; this team is for the new high schoolers. All these leagues are in high school although the next level of football only looks at Varsity players to recruit to their team. This league is College teams look at players in high school to give athletic scholarships. If you go to play football in college you get to play on Saturday. If you can make a difference on Saturday you might be able to play on Sunday. This is where the next league comes in, the National Football League, or otherwise known as the NFL. Though, only the very best go to the NFL even some of the best don’t make the cut. But for those who can make it they get paid millions of dollars along with fame and fortune.

If you want to be able to do all these things you need to learn the rules. Football has many rules. These rules are worth different punishments. The more severe the penalty the more yards you give up. For example, a holding call is enforced when an offensive or defensive player holds the jersey of a player not carrying the ball and is worth ten yards. A larger punishment penalty like a face mask is worth fifteen yards for an intentional and five yards for and unintentional penalty. One of the most severe penalties is called unnecessary roughness. Unnecessary roughness is when one player intentionally attempts to injure another player after the play is called dead. This penalty is worth fifteen yards or if very severe ejection from game or suspension from league. Unnecessary roughness is closely related to a personal foul call. A personal foul is called when a player intentional commits a very serious version of another penalty or starts to jaw off to the referee. This penalty has the same results of unnecessary roughness. Some rules are not for on the field and have an enormous consequence. A few of these penalties are using performance enhancing drugs related to steroids. These drugs are known to make you stronger, faster, and have more aggression. Using steroids can get you suspended from your league.
Even if you don’t do any of these things you still must have a ton of determination, pride, and will to win. I’ll tell you why. You must have the determination to win every game and to give all you got to your coaches and teammates. Pride is important because if you don’t feel good about what you do won’t want to do it anymore. Of course you absolutely need to have the will to win every single game. If you have a will to win it will lead to your will to get up every morning, go to practice, study plays, work out, get stronger, and be the best. That’s what it takes to be a football player.
The most loved sport in America is football because you have to give it your all. So go be the best football player you can be, and you just might go far.

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