Friday, March 4, 2011

Why we play football...

Set in the backfield, soaked in rain drops, goosebumps engulfing my body. The scoreboard reads four seconds, down by three. Tunnel hearing, comes into play as I begin to focus, "You got hard, give them hell." Adrenalin rages through my veins, as the count begins; "Red-set-go!" Everything explodes to life in a frenzy of contact and unforgiving collisions. I take my steps, large step backwards and slightly right, full speed through backfield, take the handoff, run...silence. As I manuever through insuing tacklers and teamates all is hushed. I can see the goalpost getting larger in the distance. An unseen threat slams into my right side, "keep going". Then I hear a whistle, a look around; I'm in the endzone. Just another 'W' on the record.

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