Friday, March 18, 2011

Stupid Cookies

The box in the back, eat me.

I can't.

You will, you want me, and my chocolate chunks.


You're hungry, just one...


If you don't, no one will.

I know.

I've saved the best one, just for you.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Equal World

Complete equality; a good idea, as it may seem, but as a matter of fact our society is much better off with our unequal traits. We need smarter people and we, believe it or not, do need the less intelligent ones. Without those needing education, many teachers and professors would be out of work. Our government would be in less control, we wouldn't do much problem solving, and we would be limiting our youth to making big, much needed changes in the future. Eventually sending our society in a free fall and hitting rock bottom.

In the short story "Harrison Bergeron", Kurt Vonnegut Jr. realizes these many problems in a seemingly flawless plan for complete equality. One point he recognizes, which is more of an imaginary concept, but could possibly happen in this way of life, is the earpiece George is forced to wear, throwing off his advanced thought process, and limiting him to the amount and quality of thinking he can do. Another concept he realized is the rebellion of Harrison. This realization is probably the most important one; symbolizing that our youth is strong and that the human spirit cannot be crushed. Yet, because of the handicapping limitations in the story, we would be ruining the future of our society and government.

One very similar story to "Harrison Bergeron" is "The Adjustment Bureau". As you may have seen from commercials on t.v. or advertisements in the newspaper, "The Adjustment Bureau" is about a group of people who try and control your life through tiny adjustments they make your decisions and actions, this slowly places you where they want you to end up. Although "The Adjustment Bureau" doesn't want full equality from person to person, it closely relates to the government's earpiece in "Harrison Bergeron". Though two very different styles, both "The Adjustment Bureau" and the earpiece have somewhat of a control over your life.

An equal world is not as promising as it may seem, as the various problems recognized in the previous paragraphs. An easy way to ruin a bright future and cause problems today that would cause permanent damage. As these consequences grow older and older with our country they will be pulling our society down further and further till there is no more.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why we play football...

Set in the backfield, soaked in rain drops, goosebumps engulfing my body. The scoreboard reads four seconds, down by three. Tunnel hearing, comes into play as I begin to focus, "You got hard, give them hell." Adrenalin rages through my veins, as the count begins; "Red-set-go!" Everything explodes to life in a frenzy of contact and unforgiving collisions. I take my steps, large step backwards and slightly right, full speed through backfield, take the handoff, run...silence. As I manuever through insuing tacklers and teamates all is hushed. I can see the goalpost getting larger in the distance. An unseen threat slams into my right side, "keep going". Then I hear a whistle, a look around; I'm in the endzone. Just another 'W' on the record.