Monday, February 21, 2011

Snow Day...

Wake up today, the clock reads 11:00 a.m. somehow in the basement, I can't see a thing. A discusting taste of early morning saliva fills my mouth. I notice it's rather cold, the heat isn't running, and most likely hasn't been for at least two hours. As I struggle to find the stairs, I find myself running into objects that, from my memory, shouldn't be there. As I continue to struggle, I run into a wall, the impact rattles my brain, my head begins to throb. But my hand had bumped into a light switch on the wall, I flipped the switch; at first the light was blinding, forcing my eyelids closed. I open them a squint a few moments later, reveling that I was not in the basement, but instead in my room. Curious as to the darkness in my room I open the blinds, a huge drift of snow had built up covering the window and letting in no light. I run to show my family; as I open my door and trvel to living room I notice all of our windows are covered. As I reach the living room I find no one, same with the kitchen and basement. I check the clock, 6:45 a.m. My dad has most likely gone off to work, but my mom and sister should still be here. After checking the rest of the house I look outside, there they were, my dad shoveling, mom breaking ice and sister wrestling my dog in the larger than life snowbank. The cold is intense on my unprotected skin. As I turn to begin getting ready for school my mom calls my name. I turn back, "Go back to bed.", my mom says, as confused as I was, I wasn't about to argue about my mom telling me to go to sleep. When I reach my room I fall asleep in less than five minutes. Waking once again at eleven, I open my door, welcomed by the sound of spongebob on t.v. My sister sitting on the couch, and my dad at the stove making lunch; why we were all still there is confusing. Then it hit me...snow day!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice voice and word choice and oh ya when the snow day happened you were in a basement with Me Jacob and Zack. hahaha
