Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Trust is one of the most important aspects to a healthy lifestyle. But sadly, there is a great dearth of it. How many people can you actually trust; one or two? Then again, can you know exactly what they’re doing behind your back? This happens to be one of the biggest problems in our modern day, and it is why trust is the most important aspect to a comfortable style of living.
Although, if trust is only helpful in creating a healthy lifestyle, the short story The Treasure of Lemon Brown, by Walter Dean Myers, is an altered version of trust. When Lemon Brown and Greg first met in the old and rickety house, they defiantly didn’t trust one another. But when they were both threatened by the group of men attempting to loot Lemon Brown of his treasure, the trust level between the two spiked. The fact that they were both put into a dangerous situation created a bond, in which they had to rely on one another to remain safe. Trust became a matter of survival for both of them.
The same is true with football. You need to trust that your teammates know what they’re doing and that their actions will keep you safe. Let’s say you’re lined up in the backfield, ready to take the handoff straight up the gut. But there’s one problem, a defender, almost double your size is sitting in your designated hole. Would you feel more comfortable knowing that you’re going to face a crushing impact, or that one of your linemen will clear the hole for you? This was one of my personal experiences while playing football. Luckily, I trusted that my linemen could clear the hole, which they did. The result was a twenty yard dash to put us in scoring position. I trusted my linemen and it gave me confidence, which in turn gave me an ability to run aggressively through the hole and make the big play.
As you can see, trust is very important. It may change in quantity with a blink of an eye, or take years to develop. Between athletic and fictional events, trust is very important to a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Speech Reflection

Today, overall I think that I gave a reletively lower quality speech than my others. This happened because I am more comfortable creating my own speech than reading a poem that somenone else had already written. I am also more comfortable writing my own speech, getting the facts on a topic that I get to choose. For example, my speech on wrestling recieved a better score than the one I read today.